среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

Interesting and unbelievable Accident

I found a collection of incredible and unexplained. phenomena. occurred not so long ago, laid out in chronological order. Under their validity will not subscribe, but I think will be useful to read at your leisure and then share them with friends. interesting facts. ) ) ).

1900 - Eileen Moore Lighthouse on the island of Flannan. Becsledno gone all watch keepers lighthouse.

1902 - ' the Paris crash '. On the night of 29 to 30 December in 1 hour 05 minutes in many parts of Paris, the clock stopped.

1908 - The fall of the Tunguska bolide ( meteorite).

1911 - July 14 train station in Rome to ' cruise ' arranged by ' Sanetti ' for wealthy Italians who came progudochny train. 106 passengers went sightseeing surrounding the new section of road. The train was approaching the tunnel superdlinnomu. And then something terrible started to happen. According to the testimony of two passengers, who managed to jump out on the course, all of a sudden covered molochnobelym fog that as you approach the tunnel, thickened, turning in a viscous fluid. The train entered the tunnel and. missing.

1911 - Birth of prophetess Vanga, has received the gift of prophecy, after the tornado blew it.

1912 - The giant ocean liner ... At the same time killing more than 1,300 people. But this tragedy has been predicted by several people.

1913 - Along the coast of Tierra del Fuego was discovered sailboat ' Marlboro ' to close reefs. On the bridge, and the premises were found the remains of 20 people. For entries in the logbook of the ship left New Zealand in early 1890, but in a port did not come.

1916 - In summer, during the melting of glaciers on Mount Ararat pilot Lieutenant Roskovitsky and his co-pilot on a reconnaissance aircraft of the Imperial Air Force found the Ark on Ararat.

1918 - Execution of the family of the last Tsar Nicholas II. Before our time is not found the remains of family members, which led to the emergence of several heirs, and Anastasios.

1920 - Alleged discovery of an ancient Slavic monument - ...

1922 - On the River Paint (USA) noticed a huge animal with a snake-like neck and large head, resembling a dinosaur relic.

1924 - Near the village of Taung (South Africa) found ' Taung child 's skull ', whose age is estimated at 2.5 million. years. Hypotheses ascribe the origin of extraterrestrial.

1925 - In a career brickworks Odintsovo was found fossilized ' human brain ', perfectly transmit all details. But the discovery dates back to the Paleozoic era (about 300 million. years ago), when there were no mammals.

1928 - Above the village of about Shuknavolok Vedlozero (Karelia ) observed ten- span of a cylindrical body, of which the tail came out the flames.

1933 - The first observation of a monster in Loch Ness ( Nessie ). To date, about 4000 noted the observations and meetings with him. Sonar study of the total lake in 1992 revealed five giant lizards.

1943 - In October of this year in the United States in particular conditions of secrecy was carried out had no parallel in the history of an experiment to create an invisible warship.

1945 - The massive invasion of UFOs in Queensland (Australia).

1945 - The mysterious disappearance of the leaders of the Third Reich ( Mueller, Bormann and others).

1945 - The evening of December 5 of 6 aircraft have disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle.

1946 - In Bridport (Australia) on the beach found the corpse of a giant hairy animal.

1946 - In the United States ( New Mexico ) crashed on an unknown aircraft. Among the debris were found six corpses of creatures similar to human. In order to investigate the incident Sept. 18 commission was established, headed by CIA Director Admiral Hilenkouterom. The moment of the official birth of UFOlogy.

1948 - September 8 Bays on Lake (Ontario, Canada) was seen ' river monster ' - ' a large, blue- black, with two triangular growths on their backs ' animal.

1955 - Gopkinsville, Kentucky, USA, after the explosion of a UFO was seen for a while a little man with a huge glowing eyes.

1955 - Death of the battleship ... Explosion, Burst under his head on the night of October 29, 1955. , Claimed the lives of 608 sailors and officers. The great ship capsized and sank in the North Bay of Sevastopol - in front of thousands of citizens.

1956 - In August, the British Air Force Base UFO chasing a fighter for 20 minutes, then disappeared.

1958 - December 14, the newspaper ...

1963 - During the maneuvers of the naval forces of the United States off the coast of Puerto Rico Seen movable object, who developed an unprecedented, for a vessel speed - 280 km / h.

1964 - August 29 in the Pacific Ocean on board the research vessel was photographed at the bottom of the section length of 4200 meters. Above the sludge was found to complex configuration object resembling a radio antenna.

1967 - In the valley of Bluff Creek, captured on film the female ' Bigfoot ' ( author of the film - Roger Patterson ).

1968 - The official date of death of Gagarin. In fact, in his death, few people believed. Prophetess Vanga claimed that the first cosmonaut died, and ' was taken '.

1969 - The landing of the Americans on the Moon. The very fact that is disputed to this day.

1977 - ' Petrozavodsk miracle '. September 20 at 4:00 am UFO in the form of a bright star (and then - a glowing jellyfish ), from which the rays of the red color, was seen on the main street - Lenin Street. Later in the upper floors of glass were discovered large holes with very sharp edges.

1979 - July 27 to 23. 00 in the sky over the Baikonur observed a very bright ' star' who commit random motion across the sky. After it has remained stable trace. The observation lasted about 40 minutes.

1982 - In Tsemess bay on one of the Black Sea Fleet ships have stopped all the clocks on board.

1986 - January 29, a UFO crashed near Dalnegorsk ( Hill ' height of 611 ').

1987 - Suicide 2000 Dolphins - they jumped on the coast of Brazil.

1989 - 140 whales were killed off the southern coast of Chile. Mass suicide is the fourth time.

1991 - An explosion on April 12 Sasovo (Ryazan region ), when the city observed a UFO. Until now, fixed anomalies near the crater - the reprogramming of calculators and the failure of electronic devices.

1993 - For 10 months the so-called ' Pacific Triangle ' near the western Micronesia lost 48 ships and 200 sailors.

1994 - Around the Czech city of Chelyakovitsy found ' Cemetery Vampire ' - ritually murdered corpses of men the same age.

1994 - In the area of Mezhdurechensk crashed airliner A-310. Versions of what happened a lot, and the results are not announced an official investigation is still.

1996 - In a cave Movil (Romania) was first detected a closed ecosystem, not connected with the earth's. Found 30 species of plants and animals living in isolation has 5 million. years.

понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

No sooner had administrators torrent tracker The Pirate Bay to enjoy the highest figure of 10 million simultaneous users, as the existence of a resource once again hanging clouds.

Earlier this week, Microsoft all of a sudden started to develop a new type of activity - production of the daily comic Heroes Happen Here, on High Technology. The project sponsor is also, Seagate.

The heroes of cartoon stories, the author of which was Jordan Gorfinkel, will be as easy to guess, the computer scientists of all stripes who write programs that look for errors, struggling with the problems and try to arrange a personal life.

... - Typically, IT- professionals and developers are still in the shadows and behave modestly, and yet many of them - the characters '.

For fresh stories that just have to be humorous and filled with all sorts of ' high-tech jokes ', the author of comic books is going to turn to IT-society - it certainly can find a story to tell.

Recall that Microsoft has known, and other unusual undertakings - for example, it makes smart shopping carts.

суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

Another contest

Now in full swing accepting applications for participation in an open design competition in the field of Internet technologies «Web Ready». Students and graduates with promising projects, startups, budding entrepreneurs can obtain not only the financing of his project, and useful contacts and expertise of the members of the jury and, of course, recognition of the IT- community! .

If you have a project in the field of social media, SaaS and Cloud Computing, mobile technology, development of computer games on the Internet, Web- development, eCommerce, or virtualization, announced himself to the November 24, 2009 and get 600,000 for first place!.

Read more about the contest for. www. web-ready. ru. =).
All day long you sit on the internet? .